Friday, April 16, 2010


A recent study shows that the health benefits of reducing the amount of salt in the average
American diet are astounding. On the national level, the estimated number of lives and
dollars that would be saved by simply reducing daily intake of salt by one half teaspoon of salt
per day is quite impressive. Cutting just 1,200 mg of salt (1/2 teaspoon) from our diet could
prevent 92,000 deaths, 66,000 strokes, 99,000 heart attacks and the onset of 120,000 new
cases of heart disease every year. Shaking the salt from our diets could also result in annual
health care cost savings of 10 to 24 billion dollars.
Excess salt intake may significantly raise the risk of high blood pressure, which in turn raises
the risk of dying of heart attack or stroke. In fact, excess salt may increase the risk of death
more than smoking, high cholesterol, obesity or any other risk factor. High sodium intake can
cause our body to retain added water. This increases the volume of blood circulating through
the body, can in turn result in higher blood pressure. High blood pressure can damage small
blood vessels in the brain, resulting in damage to the brain and increased risk of dementia
and stroke.
Even those with only modestly increased blood pressure are at greater health risk than those
who are not. High salt intake and elevated blood pressure are estimated to affect 90 percent
of people in their lifetime. People at higher risk for health problems related to salt intake
include anyone who is middle-age or older, African Americans, and those who already have
high blood pressure.
Increased Risks and Dangers of Elevated Salt Intake:
* Elevated Blood Pressure, also known as Hypertension
* Memory Impairment and Dementia
*Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Attack
* Stroke
* Congestive Heart Failure
* Kidney Disorders
* Disorders of the Retina, a leading cause of Blindness
* Impotence
* Damage to the Heart, Blood Vessels, Brain, and Kidneys
* Stiffer Arteries
* Osteoporosis
Don’t wait until you are told that you have high blood pressure to reduce your salt intake.
While it is true that salt sensitivity varies from person to person, the overall health benefits of
reduced intake are evident. By the time a typical person finds out that their blood pressure is
elevated, a fair amount of damage to their kidneys, brain, heart and vascular system has
already occurred. It is estimated that 65 percent of Americans with high blood pressure do
not have their blood pressure under control. This is due to many factors.
Reasons Why Many People Have Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure:
* Most often, high blood pressure has no symptoms.
* Because people usually do not feel symptoms, they frequently reduce or discontinue
their medications. Within a year of being diagnosed, 50% of patients quit taking their
* Most people are unaware of their high salt intake.
* 28% of people with high blood pressure have not been diagnosed.
* 26% of people being treated for hypertension are not receiving effective treatment.
* 11% of people with high blood pressure are not being treated.
* Some people do not receive significant benefit from high blood pressure treatments due
to their elevated salt intake.
The body needs less than 500 mg per day of sodium to stay healthy, yet the average
American consumes more than 3,400 mg each day, a 50% increase since the 1980’s. Salt
intake of up to 6,000 mg is not uncommon. Inadequate sodium is rarely a problem. Sodium
helps the body to maintain normal fluid levels, regulate muscle function, properly transmit
nerve impulses, and keep blood at a desirable acidity (pH). People who already have high
blood pressure or who fall into a higher risk category are advised to limit salt intake to 1500
mg per day. Younger, healthy people without risk or salt sensitivity, less than 1/3 of the
population, may be able to consume up to 2400 mg (1 teaspoon) per day.
These limits apply to people regardless of their size or activity levels. If you tend to consume
more calories than an average person due to body size or increased caloric needs due to
exercise or a high metabolism, you are still subject to the same sodium limits, making it all
the more challenging to stay within acceptable levels of daily salt intake.
We tend to use the terms salt and sodium interchangeably, but there is a difference between
the two. Table salt, also known as sodium chloride, is comprised of 40% sodium and 60%
chloride by weight. One teaspoon of salt has 2,300 mg of sodium, the upper recommended
limit for some people, and well above the recommended 1,500 mg limit (2/3 teaspoon) for
people subject to increased high blood pressure risk.
Sodium content per serving listed on labels is based on 2,400 mg of salt intake per day. If
your daily limit for sodium is only 1,500 mg, then you need to multiply the reported percent
daily value by 1.5. For example, if a label lists that a serving contains 20% of the
recommended daily intake (%DV) of sodium, then a serving contains 30% DV based on a
1,500 mg maximum daily sodium intake goal.
Unfortunately, many people mistakenly think that if they reduce the amount of salt used in
baking along with ignoring the salt shaker on their table is what is required to lower their salt
intake. While these are helpful measures, they are not significant enough by themselves
to accomplish sufficient salt intake reduction. Salting food at the table and adding salt to
home-cooked foods only accounts for 10% of sodium intake. Another 10% is contained
naturally in food. The remaining 75 to 80% of the sodium we consume comes from
processed, packaged foods and from food eaten at restaurants.
Another downfall in reducing salt intake results from the misinterpretation of food labels.
Taking time to carefully read labels can be time consuming, but it is important to make this
effort. When evaluating a food’s nutrient content, be realistic about your actual consumption
and do not be fooled by listed serving sizes which are often unrealistically small. Read those
labels carefully, making no assumptions that a food labeled as organic, natural or low-fat has
acceptable or reduced salt content.
Reasons Why Our Sodium Intake is Difficult to Reduce:
* 75 to 80% of the sodium we consume is added before we open a package.
* Salt content of prepared foods at restaurants and fast food establishments is typically
very high; and people are often unaware of these high salt levels.
* We purchase pre-made foods rather than make them from scratch; such foods include
chips, crackers, cereals, breads, soup, pizza, spaghetti sauce, salad dressing and lunch
* Foods high in salt content do not always taste salty. Candy is a great example.
* Salt is used to preserve foods and to enhance flavor. It is also used to block bitterness
and make foods taste sweeter.
* Besides salt, we also obtain sodium from other common food ingredients and additives,
including baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), disodium phosphate, sodium benzoate,
MSG (monosodium glutamate), sodium propionate, sodium sulfite, and sodium
nitrate/nitrite (common preservatives).
Salty Foods to Avoid or Minimize in Order to Reduce Salt Intake:
* Deli Meats, Hot Dogs, Smoked Fish and Meat, Bacon, Ham, Sausages
* Salted Snacks
* Cheese, including Cottage Cheese
* Commercial Sauces, Salad Dressings and Condiments
* Pickled Foods, Olives
* Processed, Packaged Foods, especially those containing high Sodium or MSG
It is possible to reduce salt content in foods without sacrificing taste or quality. Many food
companies have lowered their salt content or now offer reduced-salt options. True, we tend
to enjoy high-salt foods, but our taste buds are very capable of adapting to low-salt foods. By
reducing your learned salt-intake habits, you will begin to notice flavors previously masked by
the unnecessary salt. Foods naturally low in salt but rich in flavor, such as fruits and
vegetables, will typically taste better than reduced-sodium processed foods. A recent survey
showed that three out of four people on sodium-restricted diets reported that they did not
miss the eliminated salt.
Other Measures to Take to Help Lower Salt Intake:
* Cook from scratch; make your own salad dressings, condiments and sauces.
* Season your own rice, couscous and pasta. Skip the packages.
* Use sodium-free, no-salt-added, and low-sodium canned beans, soups, broth and
* Skip the salt shaker.
* Use salt-free seasonings and spices, such as pepper, garlic, parsley, rosemary,
tarragon, thyme, celery seed, cumin, dill, curry, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, oregano,
basil, lemon or lime juice, and vinegar.
* When eating at restaurants, order sauces and dressings on the side, using only what
you need or cannot do without.
* Eat natural foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables.
* Carefully read and compare labels for sodium content.
* Rinse canned foods, such as tuna, beans and other vegetables.
* Prepare dried beans instead of using canned beans.
* Reduce portion sizes in general, and reduce salty snack consumption.
To summarize these guidelines, eat according to a very simple rule: Get back to nature. Eat
fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and whole grains. Consciously select and
prepare foods that are minimally processed. Here’s a great example: Potatoes au Gratin
from a packaged mix contain about 1,000 mg of sodium per cup, a serving of fast food French
fries provides 200 to 500 mg, yet a medium baked potato has only about 20 mg of sodium.
The best option is not complicated or difficult; it is obvious.
Additional Sources of Salt to be Aware of:
* Alka-Seltzer has 1100 mg of sodium from sodium bicarbonate.
* Club Soda contains about 50 mg of sodium per cup.
* Mineral Water can contain up to 300 mg per cup.
* Water Softeners add sodium, with the amount varying depending on the hardness of
the water. As an alternative, consider a potassium-based softening system.
* Raw chicken and turkey are often injected with salt water to make them appear more
plump and to make them juicier. Washing the meat is ineffective in reducing this
added salt. Check the label when you purchase poultry.
Is Sea Salt Preferable?
Sea salt and table salt are very similar and have the same basic nutritional value. They both
consist mostly of sodium and chloride, but they differ in taste, texture and processing.
Research shows that most people prefer the taste of Sea Salt, with Maldon Sea Salt being a
favorite of gourmet chefs. Sea salt is produced through the evaporation of salt water. This
requires minimal processing and generally allows trace minerals and elements to remain.
Table salt, on the other hand, is more heavily processed and usually contains an additive to
prevent clumping. Iodine is often added to table salt. Sea Salt contains natural minerals,
including calcium and magnesium, which may actually help to lower blood pressure.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Is What You are Hiding from Holding You Back?

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Haiti & spend a week there. I was able to travel around the country to visit local churches, & a couple of schools where I was able to meet students. It really made me think about the things we take for granted here in our country including our health & fitness.

Haiti is a county that does not have an obesity problem due to the lack of food supply from poverty. Most of us have taken for granted that we will always have our next meal and therefore have developed food addictions that have lead to overeating and eventually obesity. As American's we put value on luxury cars, homes with meticulous landscaping, & other "toys". We also take great pride in having nice hair, expensive clothes, jewelry & getting our nails done on a regular basis. We use these material things to hide behind & cover up our emotional insecurities or other weaknesses.

Have you ever stopped to think about how much time, energy & money that you put into your car, house, lawncare, boat, expensive dinners out, clothes, hair, etc.? Now stop and think about how much time, energy & money that you put into taking care of your body? I'm not taking about skin care, hair, massages, diet pills or plastic surgeries. I am talking about a well rounded fitness program that including sweating & getting your heart rate up along with putting proper foods for fuel into your body!

You will pay to put premium gas into your car so why are you putting the cheap fuel into the most important vessel of transportation that you own...your body?

If you are not where you want to be in life in your finance, career, personal life, or health, I would like to challenge you to quit making excuses and blaming others for your failures & take control over your own life today.

Begin by treating your body like it is your finest possession that you have.

If you would like help to take the next step in achieving your full potential in life, please contact me and I will be glad to help you develop a plan for your personal success.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Very Berry Smoothie

Very Berry Smoothie

This is one of new Smoothie recipes. Hope you enjoy it.

Very Berry Smoothie
Greg Hoff-Adventure Boot Camp Cook Book
Yields: 1 serving
4 TBS low-fat yogurt
3 medium strawberries
8 blueberries
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 TBS ground flaxseed
6 ounces cranberry juice
1 cup crushed ice

Wash fruits and add to blender. Add all other ingredients to blender. Slowly add ice while blending until smooth. You may add more ice for a thicker smoothie. Other fruits may be substituted for the berries.

Nutritional Information
Calories 155.5
Fat 3.4 grams
Protein 15 grams
Carbohydrates 10.4 grams

The Adventure Boot Camp Cook Book is available for download now at Get your copy today and begin making quick and healthy meals tonight for your family!

Healthy Cooking for Today's Busy Family

Healthy Cooking for Today’s Busy Family

Do your children think that a good meal needs to be served in a cardboard box with a toy? Do you find yourself and your family eating most of your meals in the car on the way to soccer games, dance practice, dentist appointments or other activities?
In today’s busy world it is easy to get caught up in the trap of buying fast food on the go or prepackaged meals for at home. Most convenience foods are high in fat content, calories, and sodium. Did you know that one of the popular fast food chains serves up a burger that has over 1,400 calories & 107 grams of fat? If you would like to add the fries to that burger you will stuff down another 610 calories and another whopping 28 grams of fat! If you dare to get the combo meal including the drink at this restaurant you would consume fewer calories and half the fat if you ate 13 Hostess Twinkies. If you plan on making meals like this part of your eating plan, you should go ahead and find a good cardiologist!
You may wonder what alternatives you have when you feel like you spend more time in your vehicle or at work than you do at your own home. There are many healthy food choices that can be found at your local grocery store that can be turned into quick meals for on the go families. You can now find many pre-washed and pre-cut vegetables and fruits in the produce department. Something as simple as buying your produce pre-cut can save a lot of meal preparation time. Another good option to save on your grocery bill is to buy your produce in bulk and chop up your vegetables and fruit to store in a container during the week. You will then have it at your fingertips when you are trying to put together a quick and nutritious family meal. Some people also find it easier on their schedule to spend a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon preparing their meals for the upcoming week. You can then refrigerate or freeze those meals until you are ready to serve them for quick weekday meal.
If you are like most consumers you go to the grocery store to load up your cart with fresh ingredients to make your meals, only to come home and feel lost on how to prepare those foods in a healthy way. You may also get tired of preparing and eating the same meals each week.
Gregory Hoff, Owner of North Myrtle Beach Adventure Boot Camp recently contributed to a cook book project that compiles 106 healthy and convenient recipes that can easily be made at home. Introducing the new Adventure Boot Camp Cook Book! It’s Your Cook Book For a Lean & Strong Body (And your kids will love the food, too!)
The chapters are coordinated the way personal trainers coach clients to eat for health and fitness. The recipe contributors are among the best coaches in the country who each have reach in their community as local and some national experts. Included are practical tips for eating healthy, grocery shopping, cooking and dining out. This cook book includes a chapter on wholesome, easy-to-prepare, kid friendly recipes, which are of great interest to any parent! This is the opportunity you need to have 106 recipes at your fingertips that will satisfy your senses and trim your waste!

Very Berry Smoothie
Greg Hoff-Adventure Boot Camp Cook Book
Yields: 1 serving
4 TBS low-fat yogurt
3 medium strawberries
8 blueberries
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 TBS ground flaxseed
6 ounces cranberry juice
1 cup crushed ice
Wash fruits and add to blender. Add all other ingredients to blender. Slowly add ice while blending until smooth. You may add more ice for a thicker smoothie. Other fruits may be substituted for the berries.

The Adventure Boot Camp Cook Book is available for download now at Get your copy today and begin making quick and healthy meals tonight for your family!

Gregory Hoff-Certified Personal Trainer
Owner-North Myrtle Beach Adventure Boot Camp

What's Really in Your Shopping Cart?

What’s Really in Your Shopping Cart?

Are you like millions of other American consumers? Are you confused and disoriented when you grab your shopping cart and hit the isles to stock up on food for your family? If you are like most shoppers you may think that they you are putting healthy and nutritious foods into the shopping cart but what you may really be putting into your cart could be the reason why you are gaining weight, unable to lose weight, experience headaches, hunger cravings, or even hyperactivity & attention problems.
I have found through working with clients in our fitness and nutrition business that most people think that they are buying foods that will help them achieve their weight loss goals or give their children much needed fuel for their growing bodies. However, it is most often the case that shoppers choose their products by looking at the front of the package and never really investigate what the REAL ingredients of that zero calorie, sugar free, or fat free treat are!
The front of a food package is basically marketing hype to get you interested in buying their product that they may have labeled as “all natural”, healthy, sugar free, or maybe even fat free. The real truth is hidden in the food label. Did you know that if you do a web search looking for alternative names for sugar that you will find over 25 names that are commonly used to describe sugar on a food label? The front of the package may say sugar free but manufacturers often find ways to “hide” sugar in foods under a name other than the word sugar.
Hidden sugar is just one way that consumers are often mislead when shopping for groceries. There are many other facts to consider before purchasing a food. Another common mistake that shoppers make is to assume that just because a product is listed as organic that it is going to be beneficial in losing weight or achieving a certain fitness goal. While organic products are certainly healthier for you because you are not ingesting the fertilizers and chemicals often used to grow produce, you will still find sugars and fats in certain organic foods. It takes an educated and determined shopper to be able to uncover the many hidden and artificial ingredients in your favorite foods.
Do you really want to get serious about losing weight, being healthier, or just learning to feed your family more nutritious foods? North Myrtle Beach Adventure Boot Camp offers a monthly Grocery Store Tour to educate you on becoming a food detective so you can uncover the foods that should stay out of your shopping basket and discover all the great foods that should be included in your basket!
The Grocery Store Tour is a one hour tour held by Krista Hoff, Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant in North Myrtle Beach at a local grocery store. The cost is $20 per person and the tours are limited to 8 people so early registration is recommended! You can find out more information at or call 843-267-9359 to register for the next tour.

Krista Hoff-Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant
North Myrtle Beach Adventure Boot Camp

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

10 Myths & Facts about Proper Nutrition & Exercise

Have you ever heard the phrase “all you have to do is eat right and exercise”? Is it really that simple? If you talk to 100 different fitness professionals you could get 100 different answers on how to eat right and exercise. Everybody seems to have their own opinion on this topic. If you combine this information with all of the different commercials, exercise gadgets, weight loss pills, and hundreds of books on this topic it can be quite confusing. You may think that you have a lot of answers from all the different weight loss methods in the media but in reality what you have is a lot of confusion, false promises and unrealistic expectations about fitness and nutrition.

I would like to help you sort out fact from fiction regarding nutrition and fitness. The first thing that you must understand is that there is no certain “magic” weight loss pill or piece of fitness equipment that will transform you into the image of yourself that you secretly desire to be. You must also examine the perfect image of yourself that you are trying to achieve. I have so many female clients who come to their first fitness evaluation with unachievable goals and who are looking for a “quick” fix to a weight loss problem that they have been battling for years. I just want to clarify that to realistically achieve your weight loss goals and to improve your total quality of life, you must make a lifestyle change. Did you hear me correctly? I did not say that you must begin an extreme diet, buy the newest gadget on television or buy stock in weight loss supplements….I said that you must make a lifestyle change. It begins with committing mentally and physically to doing whatever it takes to improve your quality of life and longevity. Remember that the road to a real life changing transformation is going to be filled with ups and downs and that true success will only come from perseverance not from being perfect

1. MYTH: Cardio activity is better for weight loss up than weight training.
FACT: If you do nothing but cardio, even if you eat less your results will not be optimal. You may lose a little weight but your overall shape will stay the same. If you began as a pear shape you will just be a slightly smaller pear when you end. That is not what I call a body transformation. Only through building lean muscle through strength training can you truly begin to change the shape of your body. So even though cardio exercise does help burn fat, when it comes to really changing the shape of your body, you can’t top proper strength training!

2. MYTH: If you exercise it doesn’t matter what you eat.
FACT: If you exercise, it matters even more what you eat. More and more Americans are exercising every day but the obesity rate keeps climbing to an all time high in our country. This is because people refuse to change the way they eat. It is only when you accept that optimal nutrition is just as vital to your success at a complete fitness program that you will begin to see the results that you desire.

3. MYTH: If a women lifts weight she will bulk up and become too muscular.
FACT: Strength training for women should not be underestimated. Women should actually be concerned about not having enough muscle rather than having too much.

4. MYTH: Weight training is only for competitive athletes and body builders.
FACT: People of all ages should include strength training into their fitness routine. As we become older we get fatter, we lose muscle mass, we lose strength, we become weaker, we become fragile, and we become prone to many physical disabilities. As a Fitness Professional I have seen people in their 80’s and 90’s benefit from regular strength training as a part of their fitness program. They are more agile and mobile and enjoy a better quality of life than those who are the same age and have not incorporated strength training into their lifestyle.

5. MYTH: Muscles grow while you are working out.
FACT: Muscles actually grow during your resting and recuperation period. Only through proper rest will you begin to really see the results of your hard work. Many people tend to overreach when strength training.

6. MYTH: The longer you exercise the better.
FACT: Too much exercise prevents results. This is like the million dollar question….how much is enough? The workouts that I recommend to my clients are brief, intense and highly effective. They stimulate the muscles and burn fat. These workouts take around 5 hours per week. Despite what you think, more is not better!

7. MYTH: To lose fat and improve your body, don’t eat.
FACT: To build a lean, healthy body you must eat and eat often. Eating 5-6 small meals per day will increase your metabolism and burn more fat than starving yourself with 1 or 2 meals daily.

8. MYTH: Skipping breakfast helps to prevent hunger.
FACT: The main thing that you need to know about skipping breakfast is if you want to be fat, don’t eat breakfast. Breakfast fires up your metabolism for the day and gives you the energy that you need to carry out your daily activities.

9. MYTH: Don’t eat after 6PM or before you go to bed.
FACT: You have been resting for 10-12 hours without food and your body has to slow down in order to conserve what nutrients it has. This snack shouldn’t include Ben & Jerry’s, cookies, cake or pie. You need to eat quality foods that are made up of proteins and fibers. Protein takes longer to digest and will keep you full longer. When you combine protein with a carbohydrate you will prevent spikes in your blood sugar.

10: MYTH: All fitness boot camps are for athletes and those who are already fit.
FACT: While some fitness boot camps may cater to those who are extreme athletes or those who like to be pushed to the extreme, not all are the same. You must look for a certified camp with a fitness professional who is a Certified Personal Trainer as well as a Certified Boot Camp Instructor. There are many imitation boot camps out there, but there is only one Adventure Boot Camp! At the North Myrtle Beach Adventure Boot Camp women of all sizes, shapes and fitness abilities are welcome to be a part of this unique fitness program that is like no other. You will be encouraged to do your best in a positive and friendly environment. Each camper works at their own fitness level as part of a group. You will experience Pilates on the beach, fun obstacle courses, strength training, cardio through walking or jogging, nutritional information, games, surprises & more at North Myrtle Beach Adventure Boot Camp. To register for the next camp and to see inspiring photos please visit

Gregory Hoff
Fitness Professional
North Myrtle Beach Adventure Boot Camp

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Answers For Losing Weight!

I wish I could make a dollar for every time I had someone asks me "why isn't my workout routine working?” They will tell me that they exercise but they are still not getting any results. There are lots of reasons that can be the culprit behind the problem but I have broken it down into 4 secrets to help you fix the problem.

1. You can't just exercise and expect to loss weight. It's the right way to start but proper nutrition has to follow. Everyone should create a food diary. If you just kept a diary for one week you would be able to see why it's so important. The combination of exercise and diet is the only way to building lean muscle; raise your metabolism, increase energy, and lose weight that will stay off. I'm not talking about a diet that you do for 90 days and then you can go back to your old habits. I'm talking about a total life style transformation that lasts forever.

2. Here’s a secret…if you don't eat breakfast then you will be fat! I can't stress that enough. You've been fasting for 10-12 hrs without food and your body has to slow down in order to conserve what nutrients it has. When you get up you have to eat within the first hour in order to get your metabolism going. This is also why I recommend that you eat something within 2 hours before bed. That doesn't include Ben and Jerry's, cookies, brownies, cakes or pies either. You need to eat quality foods that are made up of proteins and fibers. You must eat 4-6 times a day and always have a protein with a carbohydrate. Protein takes a lot longer to digest and will keep you full longer. Also when you combine a protein with a carbohydrate you will prevent from creating spikes in your blood sugar. Increase your fiber intake. Last but not least, always try to eat whole foods when possible that are not processed or milled into powder and always try to buy organic foods. Remember if you can follow these things you will fire up your metabolism and burn more fat throughout the day.

3. Most people join a gym thinking that if they make the money commitment all their fitness problems will be over. They come in and just work out on the treadmill or they will do the little circuit of equipment that the gym has set up for new members. Don't get me wrong these circuits are good stuff to help beginners or when you need a fast routine. But the bottom line is you have to mix it up. You can't just do the same thing over and over again for 12 weeks and expect big results. This is the reason why 30 minute workout fitness franchises are not the answer to your fitness goals. It's a good start for someone who is sedentary but after performing the same workout over a longer period of time your muscles become unchallenged and you reach a plateau. Think of your muscle as a building and every time you work out it’s like a hurricane hitting that building and causing damage. As the muscle repairs itself it builds the building stronger or in this case muscle fibers strong. The next time you work out the muscles are ready for it. This is a good thing but in order to keep getting results we have to change the routine by including modified techniques incorporating interval training, circuit training, hiking, obstacle courses, biking, and swimming, etc.

4. It is really hard to get people to understand that just eating healthier isn't always the answer. So you went from eating hamburgers after your workouts to those meal replacement protein shakes at the gym. A hamburger might have 300 calories and most meal replacement drinks have at least 300 calories. You still have the same amount of calories to burn. Calories are calories no matter if they are healthy ones or bad ones. You have made the step in the right direction but you must have a caloric deficit to lose weight. One pound equals 3500 calories. If you really want to lose weight then you need to create around a 500 calorie deficit in your diet to lose one pound per week.
Take for example, if you are a women who weighs 200 pounds, your resting metabolic rate would be approximately 2,000 calories a day just to maintain your normal activity. If you work out and burn 300 calories, your daily caloric expenditure would be 2,300 calories. If you wanted to lose one pound per week you would need to take in approximately 1,800 calories daily to see a steady weight loss.

In closing, remember that just going to the gym is not the answer. Start a food diary so that you can see what is going into your body. Your nutrition is a critical part of the transformation. Just by eating 4-6 times a day and making sure you start your day off right by eating a healthy breakfast within that first hour after waking up is essential to increasing your metabolism and promoting weight loss. You can have fun doing many different activities and by mixing up your routine get better results. You must have a 500 calorie deficit a day to equal a pound of weight loss per week.

This is a lifestyle change and you can do it! Just imagine how great you will look and feel after implementing these 4 secrets into your life. Life is an adventure and you need to train for it!

Be Well,

Gregory Hoff
Fitness Expert & Certified Adventure Trainer
North Myrtle Beach Adventure Boot Camp